Cartridges & Squibs

Cartridges and Squibs are used to pyrotechnically generate high-pressure gas and/or heat, and as such can be used as pressure sources or ignition sources. Schematically, squibs and cartridges are very similar. The practical difference being squibs are generally of simpler construction, typically built around a “plug” of synthetic material. Cartridges may contain squibs, or more commonly, be built around a hermetic glass-to-metal seal instead. The result is that squibs are generally more economical, whereas glass-sealed cartridges are typically more rugged and better suited to higher-pressure applications.
- Power source for piston devices, i.e. Actuators, Cutters, Puncture Devices.
- Power source for larger Pyrotechnic/Explosive devices.
- Pressure source to over-pressurize rupture closure disks on Stored Gas Systems.
- 50 psi in 5cc volume to beyond 10,000 PSI in 10 in3.
- Operating Temperatures of -65º F. to 420º F. (-54º C. to 215º C.)
- Electric Initiation from AC, DC, Capacitive Discharge.
- Percussion Initiation.